Witch - Clash Royale Witch - Clash Royale

Summons Skeletons, shoots destructo beams, has glowing pink eyes that unfortunately don't shoot lasers.

Witch - Clash Royale
The Witch card is unlocked from the Bone Pit (Arena 2). She is an area damage, medium-ranged troop with moderate hitpoints and low damage output. A Witch card costs 5 Elixir to deploy. Every 5 seconds, the Witch will passively summon a group of three Skeletons the same level as herself. She also summons 3 Skeletons upon death.
Witch - CardValkyrie - CardSkeleton Army - CardBaby Dragon - CardPrince - CardMini P.E.K.K.A - CardArrows - CardGoblin Barrel - Card
win: 71.14%
based on 3,344 games
1.96 crowns per game
Witch - CardValkyrie - CardSkeleton Army - CardBaby Dragon - CardMini P.E.K.K.A - CardHog Rider - CardArrows - CardGoblin Barrel - Card
win: 71.5%
based on 1,770 games
1.92 crowns per game
Witch - CardValkyrie - CardSkeleton Army - CardBaby Dragon - CardPrince - CardMini P.E.K.K.A - CardHog Rider - CardGoblin Barrel - Card
win: 68.75%
based on 1,475 games
2 crowns per game
Witch - CardValkyrie - CardSkeleton Army - CardMusketeer - CardBaby Dragon - CardPrince - CardMini P.E.K.K.A - CardGoblin Barrel - Card
win: 72.55%
based on 1,297 games
2.02 crowns per game
elixir costhit speedspeeddeploy timespawn speedrangetargetcounttransporttyperarityskeleton hit speedskeleton speedskeleton rangeskeleton targetskeleton transportarenarelease date
51 secMedium (60)1 sec5 sec5Air & Groundx1GroundTroopEpic1 secFast (90)Melee: ShortGroundGroundBone Pit4 January 2016
Levelwitch hitpointswitch area damagewitch damage per secondskeleton hitpointsskeleton damageskeleton damage per second
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