Prince - Clash Royale Prince - Clash Royale

Don't let the little pony fool you. Once the Prince gets a running start, you WILL be trampled. Does 2x damage once he gets charging.

Prince - Clash Royale
The Prince card is unlocked from the Training Camp (Tutorial). He is a single-target, melee troop with high hitpoints and damage. He has a special ability: if he walks 3.5 tiles uninterrupted, he will begin to charge, gaining a movement speed and damage boost. Upon hitting a troop or building, he will deal double his normal damage and stop charging. A Prince card costs 5 Elixir to deploy. He resembles a Knight in golden armor, wields a striped lance, has a brown goatee, and rides on a pony.
Knight - CardArchers - CardGiant - CardMinions - CardMusketeer - CardPrince - CardFireball - CardArrows - Card
win: 75.62%
based on 35,921 games
2.2 crowns per game
Archers - CardGiant - CardMinions - CardMusketeer - CardPrince - CardMini P.E.K.K.A - CardFireball - CardArrows - Card
win: 77.08%
based on 4,861 games
2.24 crowns per game
Knight - CardGiant - CardMinions - CardMusketeer - CardPrince - CardSpear Goblins - CardFireball - CardArrows - Card
win: 73.56%
based on 3,224 games
2.14 crowns per game
Knight - CardGiant - CardMinions - CardMusketeer - CardPrince - CardMini P.E.K.K.A - CardFireball - CardArrows - Card
win: 72.64%
based on 3,215 games
2.15 crowns per game
transporthit speedspeeddeploy timerangetargetelixir costcountraritytypearenarelease date
Ground1.4 secMedium (60)1 secMelee: LongGround5x1EpicTroopTraining Camp4 January 2016
Levelhitpointsdamagecharge damagedamage per second
Wallpapers of Prince
Princess art - Prince
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