5 years ago
Base Layouts Designs Guides
Base Layouts Maps Designs Guide for Clash of Clans
Town Hall 13 collection maps/layuots Christmass 2019 with Links
Town Hall 12 collection bases Christmass 2019 with Links
Best TH12 War Base & Trophy Base Layouts
6 years ago
Unlike many other pages (and me in the past), I don’t wanted to just post bases in an endless row that nobody could use because it’s not proven that they will work and also I don’t see the point in posting countless bases when you actually only need one for your home village and one for Clan War at Town Hall 12.
Best TH10 War Base & Trophy Base Layouts
6 years ago
So you’re looking for a new base for your Town Hall 10? Good you’re on this page…
The Best TH9 War Base & Trophy Base Layouts
6 years ago
What base does protect your Town Hall 9 Home Village right now? You want a base that is able to defend well and there are many different attacking strategies at TH9 that can crush it.
Best TH11 War Base & Trophy Base Layouts
6 years ago
Many people think that the base is not that important in Clan Wars because you have 2 attacks but only 1 base – so you can get 6 Stars by only losing 3 Stars.