Earthquake - Clash Royale Earthquake - Clash Royale

Deals Damage per second to Troops and Crown Towers. Deals huge Building Damage! Does not affect flying units (it is an EARTHquake, after all).

Earthquake - Clash Royale
The Earthquake card is unlocked from the Jungle Arena (Arena 9). It is an area damage spell with a radius of 3.5 tiles and low damage. An Earthquake card costs 3 Elixir to cast. It will slow down and deal low damage to troops, but will deal massive damage to buildings in three ticks. It has the same slowdown effect as that of most other ice-themed cards in the game.It is a murky brown liquid in a small oblong vial with earth rumbling in the background. It appears to be contained in the same vial as the poison spell.
Archers - CardSkeletons - CardHog Rider - CardIce Golem - CardInferno Tower - CardEarthquake - CardBarbarian Barrel - CardGiant Snowball - Card
win: 31.72%
based on 673 games
0.62 crowns per game
Archers - CardSkeletons - CardHog Rider - CardIce Golem - CardInferno Tower - CardEarthquake - CardBarbarian Barrel - CardGiant Snowball - Card
win: 37.29%
based on 787 games
0.62 crowns per game
Archers - CardSkeletons - CardHog Rider - CardIce Golem - CardInferno Tower - CardEarthquake - CardBarbarian Barrel - CardGiant Snowball - Card
win: 63.22%
based on 995 games
0.83 crowns per game
Archers - CardSkeletons - CardHog Rider - CardIce Spirit - CardIce Golem - CardInferno Tower - CardEarthquake - CardGiant Snowball - Card
win: 68.02%
based on 530 games
0.95 crowns per game
targetradiusslowdowndurationelixir costraritytypearenarelease date
Ground3.5-35%3 sec3RareSpellJungle Arena15 April 2019
Leveldamage per secondbuilding damage sec
Wallpapers of Earthquake
Barbarian Earthquake spell
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