5 years ago
Clash of Clans Guides
Tips, Guide, Tricks for Clash of Clans, How to best play CoC game
Town Hall 13 collection maps/layuots Christmass 2019 with Links
Town Hall 12 collection bases Christmass 2019 with Links
The sky darkens, and searing, fiery plasma arcs to incinerate its swarming foes...or at least that’s what we imagine happens when the Giga Inferno, the new signature defense of Town Hall 13, gets activated.
Clan War Guide: Everything You Need to Know
6 years ago
So, since it will probably be a long article, it’s better to get it started. Here is Touch Tap Play’s Clash of Clans clan war guide!
6 years ago
Differently from the regular multiplayer, it’s not about Trophies this time. The game calculates how good the villages on your Clan are and then looks for a clan with similar strength, so the battle should be always even.
Clan Wars - The Ultimate Guide
6 years ago
Clan Wars is an extended feature of the hit mobile game, Clash of Clans. This guide will give you the essential “need to know” items about Clan Wars.
How to Clan Wars
6 years ago
So you would like to do some Clan Wars on Clash of Clans but you don't know anything about it.
Don't worry, just read this article and then you'll be ready for Clan Wars.
Clan Wars FAQ
6 years ago
A clan war is a strategic battle between two clans. There are two phases in a clan war, the preparation day and the battle day. Each participant can attack twice during the battle day. At the end of the war, the clan that earns more stars from attacking wins the clan war. If both clans gain the same amount of stars, the clan who gains higher total destruction rate wins.
Builder Hall 9 is the most recent Builder Hall Level and just released – if you just upgraded and look for a base design I was able to fin one that will work quite well.
Best TH12 War Base & Trophy Base Layouts
6 years ago
Unlike many other pages (and me in the past), I don’t wanted to just post bases in an endless row that nobody could use because it’s not proven that they will work and also I don’t see the point in posting countless bases when you actually only need one for your home village and one for Clan War at Town Hall 12.
Best TH10 War Base & Trophy Base Layouts
6 years ago
So you’re looking for a new base for your Town Hall 10? Good you’re on this page…
The Best TH9 War Base & Trophy Base Layouts
6 years ago
What base does protect your Town Hall 9 Home Village right now? You want a base that is able to defend well and there are many different attacking strategies at TH9 that can crush it.
Best TH11 War Base & Trophy Base Layouts
6 years ago
Many people think that the base is not that important in Clan Wars because you have 2 attacks but only 1 base – so you can get 6 Stars by only losing 3 Stars.
GoLaLoon - Attack Strategy
6 years ago
In this attack strategy you will use the ULTIMATE attack strategy! The GoLaLoon is the most powerful known attack strategy currently in Clash.
LavaLoonion - Attack Strategy
6 years ago
In this attack strategy you will use the feared LavaLoonion attack strategy!
GOWIVA - Attack Strategy
6 years ago
In this attack strategy you will use the mighty GoWiVa attack strategy! This attack is great for pushing or for war attacks.