Mega Knight - Clash Royale Mega Knight - Clash Royale

He lands with the force of 1,000 mustaches, then jumps from one foe to the next dealing huge area damage. Stand aside!

Mega Knight - Clash Royale
The Mega Knight card is unlocked from Royal Arena (Arena 7) or a Legendary Chest. He is an area damage, ground, melee troop with very high hitpoints and moderately high damage. He deals moderately high spawn damage when deployed and jumps to targets that are between 4 to 5 tiles away from him, dealing 2× his normal area damage on impact. A Mega Knight card costs 7 Elixir to deploy. The Mega Knight wears black armor with a helmet that covers most of his face and wields two mace-like weapons attached to his arms.
Witch - CardSkeleton Army - CardBaby Dragon - CardMega Knight - CardFireball - CardGoblin Barrel - CardZap - CardBarbarian Barrel - Card
win: 61.22%
based on 1,150 games
1.45 crowns per game
Witch - CardSkeleton Army - CardBaby Dragon - CardMega Knight - CardFireball - CardGoblin Barrel - CardZap - CardBarbarian Barrel - Card
win: 59.96%
based on 2,465 games
1.36 crowns per game
Valkyrie - CardMusketeer - CardWizard - CardMega Minion - CardBandit - CardMega Knight - CardZap - CardThe Log - Card
win: 36.5%
based on 759 games
1.06 crowns per game
Witch - CardSkeleton Army - CardBaby Dragon - CardMega Knight - CardFireball - CardGoblin Barrel - CardZap - CardBarbarian Barrel - Card
win: 56.36%
based on 4,232 games
1.2 crowns per game
hit speedspeedtransportjump rangedeploy timerangetargetcountelixir costraritytypearenarelease date
1.7 secMedium (60)Ground4-51 secMelee: MediumGroundx17LegendaryTroopRoyal Arena8 September 2017
Levelhitpointsarea damagespawn damagejump damagedamage per second
Wallpapers of Mega Knight
Night Witch bat
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