Goblin Giant - Clash Royale Goblin Giant - Clash Royale

This jolly green Goblin Giant stomps towards enemy buildings. He carries two Spear Goblins everywhere he goes. It's a weird but functional arrangement.

Goblin Giant - Clash Royale
The Goblin Giant card is unlocked from the Jungle Arena (Arena 9). He is a building-targeting, melee troop with high health and moderate damage. He also carries two Spear Goblins on his back, that can attack independently of the Goblin Giant. When he is taken down, the Spear Goblins emerge and continue attacking. A Goblin Giant card costs 6 Elixir to deploy.
Guards - CardSparky - CardMega Minion - CardHunter - CardGoblin Giant - CardLightning - CardBarbarian Barrel - CardGiant Snowball - Card
win: 74.1%
based on 2,349 games
1.09 crowns per game
Minions - CardMusketeer - CardGuards - CardSparky - CardLumberjack - CardGoblin Giant - CardFireball - CardZap - Card
win: 73.7%
based on 1,135 games
1.28 crowns per game
Minions - CardMusketeer - CardGuards - CardSparky - CardLumberjack - CardGoblin Giant - CardFireball - CardGiant Snowball - Card
win: 71.78%
based on 388 games
1.13 crowns per game
Guards - CardSparky - CardMega Minion - CardHunter - CardGoblin Giant - CardLightning - CardBarbarian Barrel - CardGiant Snowball - Card
win: 63.11%
based on 2,392 games
1.01 crowns per game
elixir costtyperaritygoblin giant deploy timegoblin giant hit speedgoblin giant speedgoblin giant rangegoblin giant targetgoblin giant countgoblin giant transportspear goblin hit speedspear goblin speedspear goblin rangespear goblin targetspear goblin countspear goblin transportarenarelease date
6TroopEpic1 sec1.7 secMedium (60)Melee: MediumBuildingsx1Ground1.7 secVery Fast (120)5.5 (5 when alone)Air & Groundx2GroundJungle Arena5 September 2018
Levelgoblin giant hitpointsgoblin giant damagegoblin giant damage per secondspear goblin hitpointsspear goblin damagespear goblin damage per second
Wallpapers of Goblin Giant
CR art, troop drawing Clash Royale
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