Golem - Clash Royale Golem - Clash Royale

Slow but durable, only attacks buildings. When destroyed, explosively splits into two Golemites and deals area damage!

Golem - Clash Royale
The Golem card is unlocked from the Barbarian Bowl (Arena 3). It is a building-targeting, melee troop with extremely high hitpoints and moderately high damage that deals death damage when defeated. Like the Giant, the Golem has high hitpoints and deals significant damage, targeting only buildings. Upon death, the Golem ruptures into two weaker Golemites, causing moderate area damage. The Golemites continue to deal damage until they are destroyed. Like the Golem, when the Golemites are destroyed, they rupture, dealing low area damage. The Golem is a colossal, menacing rock brute with team-colored crystals growing on its back. Its Golemites have a similar look, but they seem to have one eye each and are much smaller in size. A Golem card costs 8 Elixir to deploy.
Witch - CardGolem - CardSkeleton Army - CardBaby Dragon - CardPrince - CardGiant Skeleton - CardHunter - CardGoblin Barrel - Card
win: 65.44%
based on 528 games
1.89 crowns per game
Golem - CardBaby Dragon - CardPrince - CardDark Prince - CardMega Minion - CardElixir Collector - CardZap - CardTornado - Card
win: 42.81%
based on 1,252 games
1.12 crowns per game
Golem - CardPrince - CardGuards - CardMega Minion - CardHunter - CardPoison - CardBarbarian Barrel - CardGiant Snowball - Card
win: 45.38%
based on 910 games
0.99 crowns per game
Golem - CardBaby Dragon - CardPrince - CardGuards - CardMega Minion - CardLightning - CardBarbarian Barrel - CardGiant Snowball - Card
win: 47.26%
based on 749 games
1.04 crowns per game
elixir costraritytypehit speedspeeddeploy timerangetargetcounttransportgolemite hit speedgolemite speedgolemite countgolemite rangegolemite targetgolemite transportarenarelease date
8EpicTroop2.5 secSlow (45)3 secMelee: ShortBuildingsx1Ground2.5 secSlow (45)x2Melee: ShortBuildingsGroundBarbarian Bowl4 January 2016
Levelgolem hitpointsgolem damagegolem death damagegolem damage per secondgolemite hitpointsgolemite damagegolemite damage per second
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