Baby Dragon - Clash Royale Baby Dragon - Clash Royale

Flying troop that deals area damage. Baby dragons hatch cute, hungry and ready for a barbeque.

Baby Dragon - Clash Royale
The Baby Dragon card is unlocked from the Training Camp (Tutorial). It is a short ranged, area damage, flying troop with moderately high hitpoints and low damage. A Baby Dragon card costs 4 Elixir to deploy. The Baby Dragon is a small, green baby dragon with short, stubby wings.
Knight - CardArchers - CardGiant - CardMinions - CardMusketeer - CardBaby Dragon - CardFireball - CardArrows - Card
win: 70.73%
based on 34,340 games
1.96 crowns per game
Archers - CardGiant - CardMinions - CardMusketeer - CardBaby Dragon - CardMini P.E.K.K.A - CardFireball - CardArrows - Card
win: 74.18%
based on 4,444 games
2.08 crowns per game
Knight - CardGiant - CardMinions - CardMusketeer - CardBaby Dragon - CardMini P.E.K.K.A - CardFireball - CardArrows - Card
win: 69.35%
based on 3,224 games
1.97 crowns per game
Knight - CardGiant - CardMinions - CardMusketeer - CardBaby Dragon - CardSpear Goblins - CardFireball - CardArrows - Card
win: 70.92%
based on 3,201 games
1.94 crowns per game
transporttypehit speedspeeddeploy timerangetargetelixir costcountrarityarenarelease date
AirTroop1.5 secFast (90)1 sec3.5Air & Ground4x1EpicTraining Camp4 January 2016
Levelhitpointsarea damagedamage per second
Wallpapers of Baby Dragon
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Baby Dragon v3
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Baby Dragon - Barbarian v5
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Baby Dragon fire v6
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CR art, troop drawing Clash Royale
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