Bandit - Clash Royale Bandit - Clash Royale

The Bandit dashes to her target and delivers an extra big hit! While dashing, she can't be touched. The mask keeps her identity safe... and gives her bonus cool points!

Bandit - Clash Royale
The Bandit card is unlocked from the Jungle Arena (Arena 9) or a Legendary Chest. She is a troop with moderate hitpoints and damage that has the ability to dash to nearby targets, dealing double damage if she hits a target with her dash, similar to a Prince's charge. She is immune to damage while dashing. A Bandit card costs 3 Elixir to deploy. She has white hair, wears a mask, and wields a blackjack.
Valkyrie - CardMusketeer - CardWizard - CardMega Minion - CardBandit - CardMega Knight - CardZap - CardThe Log - Card
win: 36.5%
based on 759 games
1.06 crowns per game
Minions - CardMusketeer - CardPrince - CardBattle Ram - CardIce Golem - CardBandit - CardFireball - CardGiant Snowball - Card
win: 39.73%
based on 516 games
1.07 crowns per game
Minions - CardMusketeer - CardPrince - CardBattle Ram - CardIce Golem - CardBandit - CardFireball - CardGiant Snowball - Card
win: 38.46%
based on 1,295 games
0.95 crowns per game
Minions - CardMusketeer - CardPrince - CardBattle Ram - CardIce Golem - CardBandit - CardFireball - CardGiant Snowball - Card
win: 42.16%
based on 1,486 games
0.97 crowns per game
transportcounthit speedspeeddeploy timerangetargetdash rangeelixir costtyperarityarenarelease date
Ground1x1 secFast (90)1 secMelee: ShortGround3.5-63TroopLegendaryJungle Arena24 March 2017
Levelhitpointsdamagedash damagedamage per second
Wallpapers of Bandit
CR art, troop drawing Clash Royale
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