Witch - Clash of Clans Witch

The Witch never fights alone, constantly raising dead warriors. Upgraded Witches raise more skeletons at a time.

Witch - Clash of Clans
The Witch never fights alone, constantly raising dead warriors. Upgraded Witches raise more skeletons at a time.

Witch - Level 1_2 - Clash of Clans
Level 1_2
Witch - Level 3_4 - Clash of Clans
Level 3_4
Witch - Level 5 - Clash of Clans
Level 5

housing spacedark barracks level requiredsummon cooldownpreferred targetattack speedattack typemovement speedskeletons per summonrange
1257sNone0.7sArea Splash 0.3 Tile Radius (Ground & Air)1244 tiles
Leveldamage per seconddamage per attackmaximum skeletons summonedhitpointstraining costresearch costlaboratory level requiredresearch time
211077832015075,00076 days
31409810400175120,00089 days
416011212440225160,000912 days
518012614480275200,0001014 days
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