5 years ago2739 Views221 Down6 Likes0 !
Town Hall
This is the heart of your village. Upgrading your Town Hall unlocks new defenses, buildings, traps and much more.

This is the heart of your village. Upgrading your Town Hall unlocks new defenses, buildings, traps and much more.

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8

Level 9

Level 10

Level 11

Level 12

Level 13
size on board |
4x4 |
Level | hitpoints | build cost | build time | experience gained | max number buildings | gold capacity | elixir capacity | dark elixir capacity |
1 | 450 | N/A | N/A | 0 | 13 | 1,000 | 1,000 | - |
2 | 1,600 | 1,000 | 10 seconds | 3 | 19 | 1,000 | 1,000 | - |
3 | 1,850 | 4,000 | 2 hours | 84 | 26 | 10,000 | 10,000 | - |
4 | 2,100 | 25,000 | 8 hours | 169 | 31 | 50,000 | 50,000 | - |
5 | 2,400 | 150,000 | 12 hours | 207 | 38 | 100,000 | 100,000 | - |
6 | 2,800 | 750,000 | 1 day | 293 | 44 | 300,000 | 300,000 | - |
7 | 3,300 | 1,200,000 | 2 days | 415 | 57 | 500,000 | 500,000 | 2,500 |
8 | 3,900 | 2,000,000 | 3 days | 509 | 67 | 750,000 | 750,000 | 5,000 |
9 | 4,600 | 3,000,000 | 4 days | 587 | 77 | 1,000,000 | 1,000,000 | 10,000 |
10 | 5,500 | 5,000,000 | 6 days | 720 | 87 | 1,500,000 | 1,500,000 | 20,000 |
11 | 6,800 | 7,000,000 | 10 days | 929 | 93 | 2,000,000 | 2,000,000 | 20,000 |
12 | 7,500 | 9,500,000 | 14 days | 1,099 | 96 | 2,000,000 | 2,000,000 | 20,000 |
13 | 8,200 | 12,000,000 | 18 days | 1,247 | 99 | 2,000,000 | 2,000,000 | 20,000 |
Wallpapers of Town Hall
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- Protection of the Town Hall is critical for achieving players' objectives.
- The Town Hall is equivalent to the Builder Hall in the Builder Base.
- Placement of the Town Hall outside a farming base serves no purpose, other than to rapidly drop trophies. Players should aim to protect their Town Hall at all costs, as it contains a 20% of all 3 different resources.
- If players are designing bases to protect their trophies, or designing war bases, they should aim to protect their Town Hall at all costs. If an attacker destroys your Town Hall they will immediately receive one star. If an attacker is unable to destroy the Town Hall, they will get a maximum of one star.
- This concept is, however, thrown away when you are trying to design an anti-3 star base, in which the Town Hall is considered just to be a high hit-point building and is used to protect key structures to prevent the attacker from claiming a third star (hence the name). At higher Town Hall levels (especially Town Hall 8) players can, instead of protecting their Town Hall at all costs, use their Town Halls as a high hit point damage sponge - similar to Storages - as part of a strategy to prevent 3-star attacks from Dragons and other high level armies, at the cost of making 2-star attacks much easier
- Town Halls have the highest hitpoints of any relative level building, with the exception of Walls, which means they take a long time to destroy. Placing your Town Hall within the range of your most powerful defenses can give it the most shots to destroy attackers.
- It is suggested that you upgrade everything you possibly can (e.g. Troops, Buildings, etc.) before upgrading the Town Hall to the next level. Prematurely upgrading (rushing) your Town Hall is risky, and it will take a long time to upgrade your buildings/troops to match your Town Hall's level. Raiding with low-level troops will also become increasingly difficult.
- If maximizing your builder time is important to you, it is inefficient to wait until literally all of your building upgrades are finished before beginning to upgrade the Town Hall, as all but one of your builders will be idle for the duration of your Town Hall upgrade. In order to keep all of your builders occupied (but ensure they are all available when the Town Hall finishes), you should plan for the Town Hall upgrade to finish just as the remaining builders are finishing their final projects. For example, if you are currently at Town Hall level 9 and have five Builders, you should upgrade your Town Hall (which takes 6 days) when the total remaining upgrading time of other buildings approaches 24 days.
- Don't place your Town Hall in a corner surrounded by Walls, as troops can still be placed next to the Town Hall.
- You must place all available buildings at a Town Hall level before being allowed to upgrade the Town Hall.
- There are four exceptions to this rule: the first is the Clan Castle; you do not have to rebuild it before being allowed to upgrade to the next Town Hall level.
- The second exception to this rule are the Builder's Huts; you do not need to have all five builders before being allowed to upgrade to the next Town Hall level.
- There is also a third exception, but this is only limited to the tutorial; players do not need to build the second Cannon (that is actually available at Town Hall 1, as it is not shown in the "Unlocks" for Town Hall 2; see below) when they are upgrading to Town Hall 2. However, it is required to be built before upgrading to Town Hall 3.
- A fourth exception exists for upgrading to Town Hall 11 or above; players do not need to build the Master Builder's Hut (which is only available at Town Hall 10 and above due to the requirements in building it) in order to upgrade the Town Hall to those levels.
- Town Hall 13 requires a Town Hall 12 that have a maxed Giga Tesla before being available to be upgraded.
- At each Town Hall level, new buildings are unlocked. The below table shows the unlocked buildings and structures by Town Hall level. Where "New" is written, one of that building or structure is unlocked unless otherwise stated in brackets.
- Builder's Huts are not included in this table because they can be purchased at (almost) any time.
- The Town Hall undergoes significant visual changes at levels 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.
- At level 1, the Town Hall has a crooked orange roof with a small stone chimney. The windows, entrance, walls, and poles are all made out of wood.
- At level 2, the Town Hall gets the roof tiled with orange and has the walls "straightened out" and made of stone.
- At level 3, the Town Hall, another layer with a flat tiled roof gets added to the top.
- At level 4, a third plain non-tiled layer and a fourth tiled layer gets added to the top. The chimney shifts to the front left.
- At level 5, a stone framing gets added to the entrance and windows.
- At level 6, small golden pillars appear on the sides of the Town Hall with vines that partially cover them.
- At level 7, a small battlement with a wooden floor gets added to the back left corner of the roof. Underneath the battlements are what appear to be arrow slits.
- At level 8, the battlement grows to the size of the whole roof and the golden pillars and front wall turn to stone. The chimney also disappears, and since there is no chimney, there is no smoke coming from the Town Hall.
- At level 9, the entire color of the Town Hall changes to dark grey with a red flag on the top. An entrance into the Town Hall from the roof appears, similar to the one on the Level 5 Clan Castle. A small watchtower appears on the top left, and there is a new extended red entryway leading into the Town Hall, flanked with two gold chains. There is also a skull added as a door design. If noticed carefully, both front corners of the Town Hall have carved Level 7 Walls.
- At level 10, the color of the Town Hall changes to a deep crimson red and blue-gray. On top of the Town Hall, there is a metal grate. A second watchtower is added beside the first, and molten lava spills from two openings near the top of the tower down to a trough at the base of the Town Hall. The red carpet entryway receives gold trim.
- At level 11, the Town Hall's base changes to rough stone. The entrance becomes golden and a gate consisting of three huge spikes supported by a winch system is added above it. The roof becomes white and gains a large, lava filled hole. Two small battlements with red flooring appear on the front of the roof, and a single watchtower remains on the back. The interior of the building appears to be brightly lit, presumably from the lava on the roof. A red flag is added back to a corner of the Town Hall, this time on the upper corner.
- At level 12, the Town Hall's theme becomes blue. Town Hall 12 is the only Town Hall with multiple visual upgrades with each level gaining new features depending on the level of the Giga Tesla inside.
- When the Town Hall is newly upgraded to level 12 (with a level 1 Giga Tesla), it appears as a blue building with a metallic base. The roof of the Town Hall has a faint gold line running across. On the sides are gold wires connecting to an electric coil above the door. Two large pieces of gold above the electric coil is placed as decorations. There is a big battery on the side with a Roman numeral signifying the level of the Giga Tesla (which will increase accordingly in later upgrades), with black wires going into the top of the Town Hall. The watchtower and battlements on the top are gone and the roof is now once again closed, but gains a trapdoor where the Giga Tesla hides underneath. Additionally, the flag at the corner is now blue.
- When the Giga Tesla is upgraded to level 2, golden strips are added to the trapdoor.
- When the Giga Tesla is upgraded to level 3, the hatch is changed to a small square grate with a slight blue shine from under. Two coils are added on either side of the front of the Town Hall. The sides of the Town Hall gain a small, sky-colored moat.
- When the Giga Tesla is upgraded to level 4, the grate is replaced with a larger circular grate, the blue shine from under is more visible.
- When the Giga Tesla is upgraded to level 5, the grate is now replaced by a large trapdoor that covers nearly the entire roof of the Town Hall. The moat now extends across the perimeter of the Town Hall.
- The levels 1-8 Town Halls were added in the original release (date varies depending on platform and country).
- The level 9 Town Hall was added as a part of the 10/27/12 "Dark Castle" update (Version 2.86).
- The level 10 Town Hall was added as a part of the 5/23/13 "Fiery Fortress" update (Version 4.14).
- The level 11 Town Hall was added as a part of the 12/10/15 update. (Version 8.67)
- This same update also made the Town Hall a resource building, and can now be targeted by Goblins.
- Also, Town Hall Level 10's cost got increased from 4,000,000 gold to 5,000,000 gold and time decreased from 14 days to 12 days in the same update.
- Town Hall 11 had a beta design before it got changed to its released design.
- The level 12 Town Hall was added as part of the 6/11/18 update. (Version 10.32)
- This same update also made it so that you would have to place all buildings down before being able to upgrade to the next Town Hall level.
- Between November 24 and December 8 of 2014 and 2015, IOS users were able to purchase (RED) gems to contribute to AIDS research. When they did, they received a red shield on their Town Hall.
- In an older version, players can sell buildings but were removed in the 10/15/12 update due to it being unnecessary and due to abuse.
- As of the 4/30/15 update, Town Hall level 1's hit point has been decreased from 1500 to 450, and most buildings unlocked at Town Hall level 1 have their construction times decreased from 1 minute to 10 seconds. These changes have made the tutorial quicker to finish, as the two Single Player Campaign levels in the tutorial have level 1 Town Halls and quicker to destroy.
- Town Halls in the Single Player Campaign, or "Goblin Town Halls", look the same at all levels, but the hit points are the same as player Town Halls of equal level. A Goblin Town Hall's level can be observed by the number of experience points it yields when destroyed.
- As of the May 2017 update, the 7th Gold Mine and Elixir Collector are now available at Town Hall 9 instead of Town Hall 10 as was the case before.
- During the tutorial, if all other buildings are purchased before the first Builder's Hut there will be no opportunity to buy additional Builder's Huts, bringing the max number of buildings down to 10 for Town Hall level 1.
- The equivalent of the Town Hall in the Builder Base is known as Builder Hall.
- At Town Hall level 2, it is possible to purchase a package that exceeds max resources in order to rebuild the Clan Castle.
- 5 level 7 Lightning Spells can destroy Town Halls of level 6 and lower.
- Using 5 level 7 Lightning Spells and 2 level 4 Earthquake Spells (with one donated from the Clan Castle) can destroy a Town Hall of level 8 or lower.
- Using 4 level 7 Lightning Spells and 3 level 5 Earthquake Spells can destroy a Town Hall of level 9
- Using 5 level 7 Lightning Spells (with 1 donated from the Clan Castle) and 3 level 5 Earthquake Spells can destroy a Town Hall of level 10
- While every new Town Hall after Town Hall 8 gains a new unique defensive building, each new Town Hall also has a specific theme and gains a new signature defense. Town Hall 9's theme is a medieval castle with a medieval weapon made into a defense, the X-Bow. Town Hall 10's theme is fiery, thus the Inferno Tower uses flames to attack. Town Hall 11's theme is said to be mysterious and magical, with ancient advanced technology like the Eagle Artillery being developed. Town Hall 12's theme is electricity, with the Town Hall itself being modified into a defense and acting like stronger Hidden Tesla, the Giga Tesla.
- In a previous version of the game, when a level 10 Town Hall was destroyed, the ruins would lie on a grate on top of lava. However, this is no longer the case.
- There is a glitch where if a Town Hall upgrade finishes during a Clan War Preparation Day, it still shows that the player is still the previous town hall level.
- If you zoom in on your Town Hall entrance, you will see the glow of a fire inside the entrance, provided certain actions are being proceeded.
- Several Defensive Buildings "face" away from the Town Hall when not in battle. The manned defenses (e.g. Archer Tower) have their occupants facing away from the Town Hall, while some of the unmanned defenses (e.g. Cannon) automatically aim away from the Town Hall.
- The Town Hall's entrance is small when compared to Villagers and Builders.
Icon Des
![]() | Tapping this icon displays information about the Town Hall, such as Level, Elixir Storage Capacity, Gold Storage Capacity and Hitpoints. |
![]() | Tapping this icon begins upgrading the Town Hall to the next level, if you have enough resources and a free Builder. When the Town Hall is at maximum level, this icon is not shown. |
![]() | Tapping this icon instantly upgrades the Town Hall to the next level, at the cost of one Hammer of Building if you have one. When the Town Hall is at maximum level, this icon is not shown. |
![]() | Tapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, instantly finishes that upgrade at the cost of the displayed number of Gems. |
![]() | Tapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, instantly finishes that upgrade at the cost of one Book of Building. This icon is only shown if you have at least one Book of Building. |
![]() | Tapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, instantly finishes that upgrade at the cost of one Book of Everything. This icon is only shown if you have at least one Book of Everything but do not have a Book of Building. |
![]() | Tapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, boosts all your Builders for 1 hour by a factor of ten, at the cost of one Builder Potion. This icon is only shown if you have at least one Builder Potion. |
![]() | Tapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, cancels the current upgrade and refunds half of the upgrade cost. |
![]() | Tapping this icon, which is shown only when the Town Hall is level 12, begins upgrading the Giga Tesla to the next level, if you have enough resources and a free Builder. When the Giga Tesla is at maximum level, this icon is not shown. |
![]() | Tapping this icon, which is shown only when the Town Hall is level 12, instantly upgrades the Giga Tesla to the next level, at the cost of one Hammer of Building if you have one. When the Giga Tesla is at maximum level, this icon is not shown. |
![]() | Tapping this icon re-arms all Traps. This icon is only displayed when one or more of your Traps have been triggered in a previous enemy attack. |
![]() | This icon informs you that all Traps are armed. It is not tappable, and replaces the re-arm icons. |
![]() | Tapping this icon reloads all X-Bows with Elixir. This icon only appears if one or more X-Bows are not fully loaded. |
![]() | Tapping this icon reloads the Eagle Artillery with Elixir. This icon only appears if the player owns the Eagle Artillery but not an X-Bow, and if the Eagle Artillery is not fully loaded. |
![]() | Tapping this icon reloads all X-Bows and the Eagle Artillery with Elixir. This icon only appears if at least one of these buildings is not fully loaded, and will replace the icons above if the player has both an X-Bow and the Eagle Artillery. |
![]() | This icon informs you that all X-Bows are fully loaded. It is not tappable, and replaces the Load icons. |
![]() | This icon informs you that the Eagle Artillery is fully loaded. It is not tappable, and only appears if the player owns the Eagle Artillery but not an X-Bow. |
![]() | This icon informs you that all X-Bows and the Eagle Artillery are fully loaded. It is not tappable, and replaces the icon above if the player has both an X-Bow and the Eagle Artillery. |
![]() | Tapping this icon reloads all Inferno Towers with Dark Elixir. This icon only appears if one or more Inferno Towers are not fully loaded. |
![]() | This icon informs you that all Inferno Towers are fully loaded. It is not tappable, and replaces the Load icons. |
All Units
ARMY | • Builder Barracks • Star Laboratory • Battle Machine Altar • Army Camp |
DEFENSE | • Double Cannon • Crusher • Archer Tower • Roaster • Guard Post • Cannon • Giant Cannon • Firecrackers • Multi Mortar • Hidden Tesla • Wall • Air Bombs • Mega Tesla • Lava Launcher |
HEROES | • Battle Machine |
RESOURCES | • Gold Mine • Gold Storage • Builder Hall • Elixir Storage • Elixir Collector • Clock Tower • Gem Mine |
TRAPS | • Push Trap • Mega Mine • Mine • Spring Trap |
TROOPS | • Baby Dragon • Raged Barbarian • Bomber • Night Witch/Bat • Sneaky Archer • Drop Ship • Beta Minion • Night Witch • Boxer Giant • Super P.E.K.K.A • Cannon Cart • Drop Ship/Skeleton • Hog Glider |
BOOKS | • Book of Fighting • Book of Everything • Book of Building • Book of Heroes • Book of Spells |
POTIONS | • Builder Potion • Power Potion • Clock Tower Potion • Training Potion • Resource Potion |
RUNES | • Rune of Dark Elixir • Rune of Builder Gold • Rune of Elixir • Rune of Gold • Rune of Builder Elixir |
RINGS | • Wall Ring |
HAMMERS | • Hammer of Fighting • Hammer of Building • Hammer of Heroes • Hammer of Spells |
SPELLS | • Santa's Surprise • Birthday Boom |
TRAPS | • Freeze Trap • Shrink Trap • Santa Strike • Pumpkin Bomb |
TROOPS | • Pumpkin Barbarian • Giant Skeleton • Battle Ram • El Primo • Ice Wizard • Skeleton Barrel |