The Best Builder Hall 9 Base Layout – Builder Base - Clash of Clans

The Best Builder Hall 9 Base Layout – Builder Base - Clash of Clans

The Best Builder Hall 9 Base Layout – Builder Base

Here you will find my review of this design as well as my experiences from many Versus Battles that I have played with it and I will show you how it performs against various attacks at 5,000 Trophies.

The BH9 Design

First of all let’s have a look at the design – you will find a link to directly copy the design at the end of the review


The base itself is an adaption of the pretty popular setup that has been around at BH8 in the past months. The thing is, Builder Hall 9 is so fresh there will be more layout pattern evolve in the coming months but this one is strong because the Lava Launcher will make the only weakness, the bottom area attacked by ground, a lot stronger so ground troops will have problems attacking.

I can prove you with my recent battle log, showing that only one attacker really caught a 2-Star against this base layout and the other failed pathetically at the 5,000 trophy range (see the image).

So I think this is a solid start for BH9 in the first weeks and I will update this here as soon as some more strategies are available

General Layout Of The Base

This base has the stretched core layout and the basic idea behind this is that attacker can only attack from the bottom if they want to get the 2-Star – it’s impossible to go through the top side and take out all defenses and have enough troops left to get the Builder Hall.

Also taking a shortcut entry from the sides is a bad idea because troops won’t funnel into the core and go to the sides as well the Crusher will get really expensive for ground attacks.

Attacking from the bottom side is also a thing that requires skill because the attacker is forced to get through the multiple wall layers, otherwise, Giants and Battle Machine will walk the direct walk through the Crusher at the sides and find a fast end.

At Builder Hall 8 this base was already popular and if you know how to treat it, it’s a secure 2-Star… but at Builder Hall 9 the Lava Launcher will add some spice to the meal and give ground attacks from the bottom an unpleasant time

Ground Attacks I could now post here several images from replays that failed to approach this base from another side than the bottom, but I think I covered that above enough, it simply doesn’t work.

If attacker know this kind of layout they will attack from the bottom.

One option now is that they mess up opening the walls sufficiently and their tranks will meet the Crushers:

Or they open the walls but the Lava launcher will wreck their troops, especially Cannon Carts are in high danger to simply “park” in the lava lakes and fall apart really fast:

Air Attacks Air attacks (Baby Minion or Drop Ship Minion) always had a bad time against this base and the best tactic to use against this base with air attacks is actually coming from the top and going for the deep 1-Star.

2-Star approaches are really risky because Air Bombs, Roaster, Mega Tesla and all Firecracker are there and will deal damage like crazy. I tried a lot cracking this base style with air troops myself and found myself getting a 2-Star from the bottom in like one out of three cases and risking to get a 0-Star.

Can you see how fast the Drop Ships died there and the Minions were barely able to get the Builder Hall and landed with a 1-Star below 50%? This is what happens when air attacks hit this base

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