Some Assembly Required

Explore base: Some Assembly Required - Siege map

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Some Assembly Required - Siege  map
Available on
  • Event: Siege


  • Block: 30
  • Wooden Box: 56
  • Barrel: 20
  • Tree Pot: 25
  • Bush: 56

Some Assembly Required is an official map for the Siege event.


Some Assembly Required is a map with very narrow passageways and rich with cover. Brawlers with crowd control excel in this map.


  • With corners at the center of the map, Throwers gain the upper hand at area controls, constantly poking the opponents and driving them away.
  • Jessie and Penny are optimal Brawlers in Siege. Their primary attacks can hit multiple enemies at once, which are often seen stand near each other.
  • Frank can clear out the obstacles in the middle quite easily, paving the way for the siege bot and gaining more favorable engagement space.