Tornado Ring

Explore base: Tornado Ring - Heist map

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Tornado Ring - Heist  map
Available on
  • Created by: Mystical33
  • Event: Heist


  • Pirate Block: 34
  • Chest: 6
  • Wooden Box: 10
  • Barrel: 16
  • Pirate Fence: 22
  • Navy Barrel: 4
  • Pit: 2
  • Bush: 166

Tornado Ring is a community map for the Heist event. It was added in the Pirate Brawlidays update.


  • The map is full of bushes with blocks placed in a formation of three around parts to provide cover, the map is also mirrored vertically.


  • The map is good for sharpshooters and throwers since they can take cover behind walls and stay in the bushes, they might need to remove the bushes that the opponents will hide in.
  • If playing as heavyweights or assasins, be discret about your movements if you want to go to the safe and think the team has your back or ambush unexpecting targets when they are too close in the bushes.