Thousand Lakes

Explore base: Thousand Lakes - Showdown map

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Thousand Lakes - Showdown  map
Available on
  • Created by: Mordeus
  • Event: Showdown


  • Grave Block: 285
  • Magenta Box: 75
  • Magenta Barrel: 45
  • Grave Fence: 80
  • Trunk: 42
  • Launch Pad: 4
  • Green Lake: 13
  • Bush: 342
  • Power Cube: 30

Thousand Lakes is a community map for the Lone Star event. It was originally released as one of the Showdown maps.

The Brawl-o-ween version named Acid Lakes for use in the Showdown game mode and is currently in use. Also, this map has been updated differently.


  • Thousand Lakes has a small amount of cover around the lakes and is generally very open. There is very little strategic points besides the middle, which is almost always the place to be.


  • Make sure to check in the two parallel rows of bushes before going to the middle, as it is a perfect place to bush attack.
  • A long range brawler like Colt or Bo will work well for this map.
  • However, attempting to control the middle too early in the game could lead you being targeted by every brawler outside the middle.
  • The bushes bordering the map are often underestimated when it comes to camping, especially the Western/Eastern ones.
  • If you spawn near the bottom at the square-shaped bush area, be wary. Oftentimes that area is used as bait due to the 2x2 sandstone formations in its corner making certain tiles hard to scout.