Sunny Soccer

Explore base: Sunny Soccer - Brawl Ball map

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Sunny Soccer - Brawl Ball  map
Available on
  • Created by: Chief Pekka
  • Event: Brawl Ball


  • Wooden Box: 72
  • Barrel: 6
  • Bush: 78

Sunny Soccer is a community map for the Brawl Ball event.


  • Unlike most Brawl Ball Maps, Sunny Soccer does not have a barrier blocking the goal. This is made up for the fact that the walls force a lot of zigzagging movements.


  • As per usual in Brawl Ball, high-health brawlers are preferable. However, with all the walls and bushes forming many potential ambushing spots, high-health close-range brawlers are much more recommended.
  • Destroying the walls near the enemy goal can allow goals to be made much more easily.