Nuts & Bolts
Explore base: Nuts & Bolts - Siege map
- Event: Siege
- Block: 64
- Wooden Box: 16
- Barrel: 16
- Tree Pot: 4
- Lake: 2
- Bush: 28
Nuts & Bolts is an official map for the Siege event.
- Nuts & Bolts is a map with a fair amount of cover and an exposed middle section for open engagements. A lake positioned on both bases creates an impasse for approaching siege bots.
- On Nuts & Bolts, there is a good strategy involving Pam and double throwers where Pam collect bolts and the throwers provide range control.
- Good brawlers on this map along with Pam are Jessie, Penny, Frank, Dynamike, Barley, Leon, El Primo and Tick.